New Clinical Tools to Promote the New Paradigm of Early Interventions in Mental Health
MARCH 2021
Inauguration of the new website
The site dedicated to Research and Teaching on Innovative Practices in the Treatment of Psychosis is probably in its 3rd or 4th version. I am satisfied with its organization and the integration of tools for their quick and efficient use.
I would like to thank McGill University for hosting my site for the past 2 years.
Now it's the University of Ottawa taking over with their brand new RDC servers that finally allow the integration of all the tools on the same platform, saving me from doing all sorts of computing acrobatics.
The website is under construction (last update March 2021)
Dr Tin Ngo-Minh, MD, FRCPC
You can visit the French version of the website meanwhile:
2) REPIT-Psychose - Recherche et Enseignement sur les Pratiques Innovantes dans le Traitement de la Psychose
The PPv2.0: an intuitive tool associated to other complementary web interactive tools (see bellow) created to help providing personalized psycho-education. It should help improve insight, foster the therapeutic alliance, synchronize patients' and the treatment team's goals and, overall, improve patients' engagement in their treatment.